The BEHS Art Department would love to celebrate and share with you our 2025 winners of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
Brookfield East High School Significantly Exceeds Expectations; with a score of 86.4, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) who released district and school report cards this week.
Brookfield East Athletics Manager, Cheryl Waffenschmidt, recently received the Gregory A. Smith Distinguished Service Award for District 7 from the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association! Cheryl has served the student-athletes and coaches of Brookfield East and Elmbrook for nearly 20 years, including coordinating all matters of athletics such as transportation, athletic registrations, creating schedules, paying officials, reserving facilities, and so much more.
On October 26, the Spartan Girls marked their first State Team Championship win, making their ninth State Tournament appearance a historic one at The Nielsen Tennis Center in Madison. The second-seeded team triumphed over top-rated Arrowhead, the two-time defending Division 1 champions.
On October 15, Brookfield East Junior Payton Haugen took second in the WIAA Girls Golf Championships for the second year in a row, finishing with a score of six (-6) under par. Haugen tied for first and forced a playoff hole against Beaver Dam / Wayland Academy’s golfer to become one of only three student-athletes in WIAA history to score a record 138 strokes through 36 holes.
Student leaders from the Brookfield Central and Brookfield East High School Hope Squads recently reflected on the important work that they do through their peer-to-peer suicide prevention program.